Monday, March 25, 2013

Travel on local buses

The Fijian's understanding of "hurrying" for a bus, borders on dawdling..... but probably is really "sauntering":-). The buses travel on "Fiji time"........ That's code for no timetable......... just whenever it arrives......... anywhere between 10 & 20 mins until the next one.
Picked up a voucher for a cruise 2morrow to an island and reef snorkeling. The friendly Fijian desk clerk reiterated" not Fijian time", when she said come to the lobby @ 8.20am :-)

The convenience store attached to the resort has about a 1000% markup so I have ventured into Nadi town for some shopping and a general look around. Hasn't changed much since 1974. Not as many Indians running the businesses, but still third world look and feel.

Not sure if I've taken my health into unchartered territory by buying some salmon at the local fish market. Very fresh so hopefully it will be worth it.

The driver who drove me from the airport to the resort earns $80/ wk & that is an average wage. Education is not free and families work several jobs to send their kids to school. Really makes you appreciate what you have at home.

The locals that I've had conversations with love that I'm a midwife :-). Apparently there is a shortage here.

I love the pics on the walls here too. Wouldn't mind trying to see if I can purchase something similar.

Will go to Internet kiosk to load pics from camera.
It is now a monsoonal downpour and the pool will have to wait a bit.

Have organized a trip to "Raymond Burr's" Fijian residence on Wednesday .....that is now an orchid sanctuary. Apparently quite spectacular. Mud baths are quite close....... not sure that's how I want to spend my money. Will wait and see.

How do u think I'd go on a "fishing trip" WA? :-)

Location:Nadi Fiji

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